Sunday, July 31, 2022

Digital Citizenship


Model digital age work and learning. Using technology to teach and learn provides many tools to assist teachers and their students. Some options are a plethora of digital devices, programs apps, websites, and other resources that enable both to do things that they could not do before the assistance of technology. This standard provides teachers and students with the skills to model digital learning.    

Digital citizenship is appropriately engaging online with people who may have different beliefs than you. “Digital citizenship is about being active citizens who see possibilities instead of problems and opportunities rather than risk that provides for a positive and effective digital footprint.” (ISTE, Digital Citizenship In Education)

Three of the elements of Digital Citizenship are: Digital law, Digital literacy& Digital etiquette

All students should be made aware of what is a Digital citizen and their responsibilities. In this article, librarians were concerned with the lack of services for youth with ASD. They voiced students with ASD be provided with flexible tailored programming and services.  Their issue was that youth with ASD be provided with a better understanding of how to navigate the online environment safely and responsibly. (Phillips, A., Anderson, A. 2020) We now live in a digital world, but not all people have access to technology. Every home may not have internet access | or a computer. Or it could be the family has a computer, but not the internet. It is critical in the time we live in to be taught how to use technology/computers and the internet safely/responsibly.

 See the source image



ISTE, Digital Citizenship In Education

Phillips, A., Anderson, A. (2020) Cyberbullying, Digital Citizenship, and Youth With Autism:

     LIS Education as a Piece in the Puzzle.

Sunday, July 24, 2022

Digital Rights


These rights are linked to freedom of expression and privacy. They allow people to access, use, create and publish digital media. Electronic devices and communication networks are available to use. Digital rights are an extension of human rights for the Internet age. Protection and privacy are very important when using different types of electronics. Using security software is needed to maintain privacy and protection while using these items.

            Digital rights management gives the ability to impose copyright protection for intellectual property such as training materials, market reports, and other confidential documents. (

            Reviewing Digital Rights literature “over the last decade, the increasing propagation of sensors and data collection machines in what is called “smart cities” by both the public and the private sector has created democratic challenges. (Calzada, I, The Rights to have Digital Rights in Smart Cities, 2021) Digital Rights debates have been present in academics under Digital Rights management.  


     Privacy and Protection are important in every profession. Rules and guidelines must be followed. Different laws are designed to protect. Teachers must report if a student shares something that is dangerous and could cause harm to faculty and other students. In teacher training, it is said if a student state they want to kill themselves, don’t take it as they just talking or joking, but seek necessary help for them. As with Digital rights, there are rules and regulations to be followed for privacy and protection. Not following proper protocol may cause legal disputes.    


REFERENCES DRM (Digital Rights Management)

Calzada, I., The Rights to Have Digital Rights in Smart Cities    Sustainability 2021, 13, 11438


Sunday, July 17, 2022

Teaching Media Fluency


Fluency: to have the ability to speak or write well. An example of speaking fluent would be knowing how to speak a foreign language. (French). “Media fluency is the interpretation of messages within all sorts of media and having the ability to communicate in multiple multimedia formats.” (Media Fluency-bulb Digital Portfolios) Media fluency discovers how using the internet creates multiple opportunities for people to learn and share information all over the world and with themselves possibly with a push of a button.  

Media fluency is an important issue. Its vision is to help learners build their reading skills. “Gamelet (Gamified, media-based training of reading fluency) funded by Erasmus+(2018-2021) aim is to develop a multilingual training program that helps to struggle and performing students improve their reading skills.” (,34190/GBL.19.121)  

Another interesting fact about Media Fluency pertaining to digital literacy is the more understanding of the process of media literacy the more things can be accomplished. Being literate. there is a possibility you could set up a shared document online but being more knowledgeable or fluent you possibly could self-select from a range of tools to achieve the same outcome or use other methods to communicate online with other people.

Surely, I am working towards this goal of becoming more knowledgeable about this technology world of possibilities. It is almost time to return to school and I am sure I will be able to apply what I have learned in my online classes. I desire to become more fluent in using technology.                                                                                     



  Sutherland, Jenelle (April 14, 2021) Media Fluency -bulb Digital Portfolios

Gantikow, M.U., Lopes, C.’ &Neofytou, C. (2019). GameLet: Fostering Oral Reading Fluency With a

     Gamified, Media-Based Approach Academic Conferences International Limited.


Sunday, July 10, 2022

Establishment of a Learning Culture


Knowledge is powerful and if used incorrectly it could cause conflict. It is very important to speak facts not merely what has been heard, because it may not all be true. One good example is to start publicizing someone who has passed before it has happened. This flows into our blog topic “A little learning is a dangerous thing, meaning a person is voicing his views about something with others and does not have enough information to prove their claim. I have stated to family and friends, people should not put out information someone has passed before it is confirmed. This did happen to our family before our mom died. People are sensitive in what they believe. Must be careful about the information being made known because it could mislead, and miscommunication causes problems.

            Information that is revealed on television, in newspapers, or on social media, such as Facebook is not always credible. While on Facebook “users are strolling through different news feeds of people and anything could be posted just to see what type of response may be given. “People who only read article previews tend to be confident in the knowledge and have strong opinions. (Owen, Laura, 2019). Not knowing the whole conclusion of the matter will stir unnecessary strife. Truth is the best policy, but people are going to continue to talk because there is a motive in everything we do. To help me stay focused I try not to allow what people say to take me out of character, Sometimes, I say people talk just to hear themselves talk. I must be careful because they possibly could be thinking the same about me. People do have a right to their own opinions.  

            James 1:19 will keep us balanced. Wherefore, my beloved brethren, let every man be swift to hear, slow to speak, slow in wrath. Let’s not just talk to be heard but know the facts.


Literary Devices (Definition of Literary Terms   |A Little Knowledge Is A Dangerous Thing 

Owen, Laura Hazard Feb 8, 2019, Nieman Lab A Little knowledge is a dangerous thing-no,

     it is, according to this new research.


Sunday, July 3, 2022

Social Responsibility!


Social responsibility focuses on taking responsibility for one's own actions. These responsibilities are ethnically binding and propose that each person acts in such a way that lessens the adverse effect of those immediately around them. 

Learners have a right to their own opinion within a non-judgmental atmosphere. Primary learners, secondary, and adult environments could be considered a working agreement." Both include codes of conduct,  different opinions listening, and interrupting nicely."( Better Learning Insights)

Focusing attention on social responsibilities taken place in universities has led to reform in new societal challenges in their main activities.(Vasilescu, Barna, Epure, &Baicu 2010). The training purposes of universities are to formulate citizens' personalities and capacity to create skilled, motivated, and creative workers with pride in society. After their university experience, they will know how to conduct themselves as responsible citizens. Therefore, it is very important that content provided for educating students on social responsibility must include training objectives. 

Social Responsibility is owning up to one's behavior. Everyone takes responsibility for their own actions and reactions. Must remember not to act irresponsibly if responses don't favor our opinion!!

                                                                          REFERENCES>CamFliC Social Responsibilities-Better Learning Insights  

Jorge, M.L, Javier, F., Pena, A.(2017) Analyzing the literature on university social responsibility: A review of selected higher education journals 

Security of Data in the Future

  In the world that we live in, we must be protected from things that expose us to danger and harm. This includes the safety of important da...