Sunday, July 31, 2022

Digital Citizenship


Model digital age work and learning. Using technology to teach and learn provides many tools to assist teachers and their students. Some options are a plethora of digital devices, programs apps, websites, and other resources that enable both to do things that they could not do before the assistance of technology. This standard provides teachers and students with the skills to model digital learning.    

Digital citizenship is appropriately engaging online with people who may have different beliefs than you. “Digital citizenship is about being active citizens who see possibilities instead of problems and opportunities rather than risk that provides for a positive and effective digital footprint.” (ISTE, Digital Citizenship In Education)

Three of the elements of Digital Citizenship are: Digital law, Digital literacy& Digital etiquette

All students should be made aware of what is a Digital citizen and their responsibilities. In this article, librarians were concerned with the lack of services for youth with ASD. They voiced students with ASD be provided with flexible tailored programming and services.  Their issue was that youth with ASD be provided with a better understanding of how to navigate the online environment safely and responsibly. (Phillips, A., Anderson, A. 2020) We now live in a digital world, but not all people have access to technology. Every home may not have internet access | or a computer. Or it could be the family has a computer, but not the internet. It is critical in the time we live in to be taught how to use technology/computers and the internet safely/responsibly.

 See the source image



ISTE, Digital Citizenship In Education

Phillips, A., Anderson, A. (2020) Cyberbullying, Digital Citizenship, and Youth With Autism:

     LIS Education as a Piece in the Puzzle.

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